Breadboarding of Innovative User Technologies for Very Low Energy Positioning
The objective of the activity is to design and build a breadboard UE (User Equipment) demonstrator, and to prove and demonstrate very low energy positioning concepts, for mass-market and IoT localization, using modern GNSS and satellite IoT as backbone.
Brief Description
Activity shall focus on the investigation of most promising technologies, concepts and algorithms for very low energy positioning of devices. For this purpose, the potential for combination of GNSS measurements with measurements from other existing and incumbent satellite-based systems, coupled to ranging capabilities on the downlink, uplink, or both (bidirectional), communication and hybridization possibilities with space-based networks, and potentially aided by other terrestrial LPWAN (Low-Power Wide-Area Network) and UE in proximity, shall be investigated, implemented and demonstrated.
Project Partners
- OHB Digital Solutions (Lead)
- IMEC vzw
- Peopletrust S.r.l.
BreadbLowEPos was carried out under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.
- ESA (European Space Agency) within EXPRO+ (Express Procurement Plus)
- Running