Identification, tracing, and transport logistic for barges


Technologies for the development of a system for the identification and tracing of barges in the environment of River Information Services (RIS) will be evaluated and identified within the project. Thus, technical and economical analyses are carried out.

Brief Description

The project study IDEAL (identification, tracing, and transport logistic for barges) aims at a critical technology analysis for the identification and tracing of barges in the environment of RIS (River Information Services). The information about the barges shall be made available using dedicated communication connections and then be integrated into the DoRIS (Donau River Information Service). Thus, this information represents the basis for the development of value added services for barges in the context of RIS.
The major task of the study is the analysis of technical possibilities for the implementation of a system to identify and trace barges. Therefore, the following technologies will be evaluated and validated: RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Infrared Communication, Satellite Positioning and video-based methods.
These technologies will be verified regarding technical usability and economical feasibility. To compare the analysed technologies in a uniform manner, a SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats) analysis will be carried out. At the end of the project, one technology for the identification and one technology for the tracing of barges will be proposed for a future realisation. Additionally, suggestions for the development and provision of services for transport logistics based on the information about the barges will be developed. As examples for these services, the identification of barges for self-controlled charging of harbour duties, the planning for the exchange of barges between two ships, or the continuous determination of the barges locations for the optimisation of transport logistic processes can be mentioned.
Within this project study it is very essential that the analyses meet the requirements of real life situations. Thus, potential user groups will be integrated for the development of the requirements profile.
The proposed technology shall be integrable into the existing DoRIS (Donau River Information Service) using existing interfaces; e.g. AIS (Automatic Identification System) communication. Thereby, it is possible to provide the information about the barges to the users, using a dedicated visualisation in the Inland ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) to simplify and accelerate transport logistic processes in the future.


Project Partners
  • TeleConsult Austria GmbH (lead)
  • Graz University of Technology, Institute of Navigation and Satellite Geodesy
  • Danu Transport GmbH
  • Supported by: via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH
  • Austrian Government (BMVIT)
  • Successfully completed in 2007