National Implementation & Management of Technology Transfer Initiative in Austria


Identification of space technologies which can be also used in economy and technology sectors on Earth.

Brief Description

Technologies which have been developed within different space programmes provide a lot of characteristics which are interesting and useful for applications on Earth. Thus, the European Space Agency ESA is funding the transfer of space technologies into terrestrial applications.

ESA is supported by the Europe-wide Technology Transfer Broker Network (TTN) and national technology transfer initiatives.

The first step towards technology transfer is identifying and highlighting excellent space technologies providing the potential to be used also on Earth for different technology areas. In Austria, several space technologies could be identified already.


Project Partners
  • Brimatech Services GmbH (Coordinator)
  • TeleConsult Austria (Subcontractor)
  • Orbspace (Subcontractor)

ATTP was carried out under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.

  • European Space Agency ESA
  • Successfully completed in 2015