Research & Development
Global innovation stems from Research and Development. Through R&D new goods and services are generated that will satisfy the demands of a target market. Specifically in the field of GNSS technology, which is a current trending topic, due to the high reliability for these technologies and at the same time the high vulnerabilities that this entails.
OHB Austria offers various shaped solutions for testing a wide variety of GNSS-related equipment, by simulations of pre-defined and controlled scenarios, as well as solutions to ensure the integrity and reliability of GNSS signals, through 24/7 real-time monitoring, which can be tailored to your specific needs.
Would you like to know how exactly our solutions for researchers will help you develop high quality technologies for the GNSS Market?
Our experts would support you on every step.
Universities and research institutions provide a large percentage of the world’s greatest inventions. Both institutions, both public and private, constantly need the most innovative technology, therefore, we offer on-edge technology for GNSS signal testing, by simulating scenarios from normal predefined environment, to jamming and spoofing, to completely new constellations.
Applied research is concerned with solving practical problems with specific business objectives related to products, procedures or services. In the field of GNSS technology, we offer not only high-end technology for a wide variety of applications, but also a comprehensive expert support system.