Energy Production

Smart grid development is underway worldwide. Precision timing is the keystone for guaranteeing protection, metering, and control of substation functions. Today, grid systems rely on GNSS, demanding high resilience and reliability on their receivers.

OHB Austria offers several shaped solutions for ensuring the integrity and reliability of GNSS signals, through 24/7 real-time monitoring for interference detection and mitigation, which can be tailored to your specific needs.

Power grid operation

Due to the criticality of the power system and the likelihood of future smart grid reliance on high-precision timing, resilience of the GNSS signals to interference, and the rapid detection of intentional and unintentional time anomalies are key requirements. We offer a solution to guarantee reliability at all times and a testing solution that answers customer´s question: How resilient is your product?
Offshore wind park operators need to monitor GNSS signals and detect interference. The goal is to find out, if the time measured by GNSS-based time-servers is reliable or not for avoiding problems in the grid synchronization.

GIDAS Stationary Scheme for Power Grids

Energy ProductionDo you want to know how exactly our power grid solutions will ensure precise timing and synchronization?
Our experts will support you on every step.