DoRIS/IALA DGPS Performance Monitoring


The project DoRIS/IALA DGPS Performance Monitoring aims at developing a DGPS performance monitoring system for AIS base stations used in the Austrian Donau River Information Service (DoRIS) and for IALA beacon stations.

Brief Description

The RIS concept is based on tracking and tracing of the vessel position, determined by GPS, and the monitoring of relevant vessel data.

AIS base stations are key elements of DoRIS, broadcasting DGPS correction data for AIS transponders in vessels. In addition, IALA beacon stations provide as well DGPS correction data. The developed DoRIS/IALA DGPS performance monitoring system analyses DGPS correction data from both sources by comparing e.g. position differences, pseudorange and range rate corrections, and many more in relation to reference values and user defined thresholds. A remote access to the AIS base stations and a service center provides a user friendly environment. System performance data are stored in a database for later analyses. In case of too high discrepancies between the actual measurements and the thresholds, automatic alarm emails are sent to the service personal.


  • via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH
  • Successfully completed in 2009