GALILEO and EGNOS for waterway transport


Introducing EGNOS and GALILEO into the European River Information System

Brief Description

The GALEWAT (GALILEO and EGNOS for waterway transport) project, conducted by a consortium of partners operating in the fields of waterway operation and management, navigation, maritime electronics, telecommunication and IT industries and services, aimed at the realization of a first step towards the introduction of EGNOS and finally GALILEO into the upcoming RIS all across Europe. The project comprised the following main steps:

  • Identify user requirements (e.g. RNP Parameter), services and demonstration projects.
  • Evaluate EGNOS for application in Transport & Traffic Info Services as well as for Traffic & Transport Management purposes.
  • Integrate EGNOS into the AIS transponder environment.
  • Analyse and validate through theoretical work as well as through a demonstration project in the DoRIS test centre, that EGNOS, integrated into the AIS transponder concept, is capable to meet the user and service requirements; special emphasis will be on accuracy and integrity requirements.
  • Develop and analyse transition scenarios from today’s situation towards use of EGNOS and GALILEO.


Project Partners
  • via donau, Austria (lead)
  • INOV, Portugal
  • Kongsberg Seatex AS, Norway
  • TeleConsult Austria, Austria

Acknowledgement: GALEWAT was carried out under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.

  • European Space Agency (ESA)
  • Successfully completed in 2005