GNSS Interference Detection & Analysis System


  • All-in-view GNSS civil signal monitoring
    • Automatic detection and classification of intentional interference sources
    • Automatic localization of interference sources by combining several monitoring stations
  • Detection, classification and localization of intentional interference
    • Jamming
      • CW, chirp, FM, AM, Gaussian noise, band-limited Gaussian noise
      • Continuous, pulsed, frequency hopping
    • Spoofing
      • Simplistic, jam-aided, multiple, intermediate (sweep over)
  • Real-time capability (low-cost COTS hardware components)
  • Reliable, flexible and configurable system
  • Flexible system
    • Capable of processing different systems and frequencies
  • Scalable system
    • Capable of extending the number of channels and thus number of frequencies and systems
  • Joinable system
    • Capable of joining more monitoring systems together for localization

Brief Description

GIDAS is a scalable and flexible real-time GNSS Interference Detection & Analysis System which can be used a standalone monitoring station for interference detection and which can be upgraded to a more complex network of standalone stations which allows interference detection and interferer localisation. The system is independent from any other system and is designed to be easily deployed. The monitoring station receives all-in-view GNSS civil signals and automatically detects and classifies intentional interference sources within the dedicated GNSS signal band in real-time. The flexible and configurable systems allows the user to define which signals and bands shall be monitored and to which extent. By joining several (at least three) monitoring stations the system is capable of estimating the interference location in 2D. The system is fully user configurable through a dedicated graphical user interface and provides an alarming functionality in case of appearing intentional interference sources. All detected interference events are stored in a database together with a digital signal snapshot for post-processing and inspection purposes.


Project Partners
  • OHB Digital Solutions GmbH / TCA (Lead)
  • FH Joanneum – Institute of Electronic Engineering

Acknowledgement: GIDAS was carried out under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.

  • ESA (European Space Agency) within NAVISP (Navigation Innovation and Support Programme)
  • Successfully completed in 2020