Exploring GOOSE platform for Galileo Mass-Market Carrier Phase Positioning


The MMEGG exploratory project aims at providing a proof-of-concept for mass-market carrier-phase positioning. Based on a receiver platform with open interfaces, called GOOSE platform, techniques and algorithms for advancing mass market positioning will be studied. This platform allows bringing the consortium’s algorithmic expertise in GNSS processing to a hardware device, building the basis for deciding on further R&D&I projects and commercialization.


The project’s main goals were as follows:

  • porting of TCA’s PVT solution to the GOOSE Platform (ARMv7l architecture) and implementing a custom tracking loop by utilization of the available GOOSE API
  • evaluation of the platforms observation quality regarding both pseudo-range and phase-range observations
  • development of multi-frequency and multi-GNSS solutions incorporating filters and carrier-phase observations with emphasis on computational performance and high precision positioning
  • developing a way forward towards a final prototype and merging of expertise of TCA and inPosition to develop a high-precision multi-frequency and multi-GNSS (GPS and Galileo) receiver solution utilizing both pseudo-range and phase-range observations

All goals were successfully reached in the course of the project. The opportunity to port TCA’s PVT solution to a hardware receiver supported the know-how growth in terms of tracking loop internals, PVT integration on embedded systems and interaction between hardware and PVT software immensely. Furthermore, the development and evaluation of a performant multi-frequency multi-GNSS carrier-phase algorithm have been tested successfully.

The mentioned properties of GOOSE are a strong statement towards it marketability in the professional GNSS field. During the course of the project, the placement of the GOOSE platform has manifested itself as a product for the professional market. In its current form factor, the mass market is not addressed. The investigations and measurement campaigns have shown that the GOOSE platform has qualified as a candidate for follow-up projects regarding a prototype in the professional market.

GOOSE Scatter Plot

GOOSE Double-Differences – Galileo 01


Brief Description

Almost everybody uses the guidance of navigation systems in the daily life, provided by their smartphone or by their in-car navigation system. Those mass-market navigation systems rely on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). The desirable advancements in mass market positioning can be made in the hardware and in the positioning software. The MEGG (Exploring GOOSE platform for Galileo Mass-Market Carrier Phase Positioning) project will investigate both of these aspects to provide a thorough proof of concept for precise mass-market positioning. Besides software defined radio receiver technology, and deploying positioning software to embedded devices, carrier phase-based algorithms will be evaluated.

The study will be based on a GNSS receiver hardware platform with open interfaces, the GOOSE platform, provided by Fraunhofer Institute of Integrated Circuits. The GOOSE platform is the ideal device for small companies – like TeleConsult Austria and inPosition – to develop sophisticated GNSS algorithms and further bring their expertise to the mass-market. This is strongly connected to another goal of the project: Based on the proof-of-concept TeleConsult Austria and the Swiss company inPosition will decide on a further strategy towards a commercialization of the developments. The long-term objective is to develop a mass-market ready multi-frequency multi-GNSS receiver including sophisticated phase-based positioning algorithms. The MMEGG project will be an important basis of decision-making and for developing R&D&I projects.


Project Partners
  • TeleConsult Austria GmbH, Austria, (Lead)
  • inPosition gmbh, Switzerland
  • Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) – ASAP 13
  • Successfully completed in 2018