Galileo Public Regulated Service Signal Simulation and Position, Velocity, and Time Calculation
Develop a signal simulator and a software-based receiver for the Public Regulated Service of the European Global Navigation Satellite System, Galileo
Brief Description
The European Global Satellite Navigation System, Galileo, has been designed using a service oriented approach. Therefore during the design phase five main services have been identified. One of these services is the Public Regulated Service, which shall provide a higher level of protection against threats to the Galileo Signals in Space (SIS), hence increase the probability of continuous availability of the SIS, in the presence of interfering threats, like jamming and spoofing.
The access to the PRS is controlled by the European Union and its member states by encrypting the transmitted signal. The primary users of the PRS shall be law enforcement units like the police, special ops and customs, emergency services like fire brigades and ambulances and space agencies for the positioning of spacecrafts.
The Galileo Public Regulated Service Signal Simulation and Position, Velocity, and Time Calculation project, abbreviated PURSIT, focuses on the development of a PRS signal simulator and a GNSS software operating on a receiver platform to process the PRS simulated signals in real-time. To avoid confidentiality constraints, PRS dummy messages and open access encryption standards will be implemented.
For the development of the simulator, the consortium can rely on the previously developed software GIPSIE® (GNSS Multisystem Performance Simulation Environment) of TeleConsult Austria GmbH and for the software-based receiver the GAMMA-A (Galileo Receiver for Mass Market Applications in the Automotive Area) receiver platform, which is a joint development of TeleConsult Austria and Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, will be adapted.
In parallel the market for the PRS signal simulator and receiver will be analysed and an appropriate business model defined.
In the past, activities on PRS receiver development have been limited to two major European member states due to political reasons. Therefore the PURSIT project will strengthen the Austrian position within the European PRS activities in particular in the field of receiver development.
Project Partners
- TeleConsult Austria GmbH (Lead)
- Brimatech Services GmbH
- Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits
- Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
- Successfully completed in 2014