Development of a real-time PPP processing facility


Development of a real-time Precise Point Positioning processing facility

Brief Description

The project “RT-PPP” (Development of a real-time PPP processing facility) is planned to be a follow-up project of RA-PPP (Innovative Algorithms for Rapid Precise Point Positioning), which has been carried out in the course of the 6th call of ASAP (Austrian Space Application Programme), managed by the FFG (Austrian Research Promotion Agency). RA-PPP concentrated on the development and evaluation of enhanced algorithms for PPP (Precise Point Positioning) to improve the technique with respect to convergence time and accuracy. Contrary to the evaluation and analysis of post-processing observations within RA-PPP, the proposed project RT-PPP concentrates on the possibilities of the PPP technique within a real-time environment.

The project consortium consists of Graz University of Technology (Institute of Navigation) and Vienna University of Technology (Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics) as well as TeleConsult Austria GmbH and Wienstrom GmbH.

The overall project goal is to develop PPP techniques suitable for various real-time or near-to-real-time applications. The main focuses are set to the production of real-time clock, orbit and atmospheric corrections as well as their transmission via Ntrip to a user-client. Further the options for applying algorithms for integrity monitoring and the possibility of a combined use of GPS and GLONASS for PPP is investigated in the course of the proposed project.

The performance of the developed real-time PPP processing facility will be evaluated in terms of quality and suitability for real-time applications like positioning of snow removal machines or navigation of agricultural vehicles.


Project Partners
  • Institute of Navigation, Graz University of Technology (lead)
  • TeleConsult Austria GmbH
  • Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vienna University of Technology
  • Wienstrom GmbH
  • Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
  • Successfully completed in 2012