SafeSki Feasibility Study

Safety and Information Services for Ski Resorts


SafeSki is a study project aiming at the development of a target group- and demand-oriented concept for innovative security and information services for ski resorts. The technical and commercial

Brief Description

The aim of the study is to create a development concept for user-friendly information services which support the operators of ski resorts in the management while increasing security and convenience for skiers, snowboarders, etc. by using target group- and demand-oriented technological solutions. The aspired solutions combine existing terrestrial solutions with innovative space technologies such as navigation, earth observation, and telecommunications. In this study several relevant business models will be examined as well. Preliminary considerations regarding user groups, stakeholders, interesting services, and expected benefits have already been conducted. These considerations will be extended and validated by literature research, personal interviews and workshops. Therefore the project implementation requires an intensive cooperation with different users and stakeholders.

Interesting Services:

  • Traffic flow analysis and routing recommendations on ski slopes
  • Detection of dangerous and critical areas in ski resorts
  • Navigation / guidance on ski slopes
  • Friend Finder: Fast localization of personal contacts (e.g., own kids)
  • Warning system when entering hazardous or locked regions
  • Fast emergency alerting
  • Monitoring snow depths
  • Tracking of ski resort staff and resources
  • Avalanche warnings
  • Weather warnings

Within the scope of the interviews and workshops details about existing solutions for security and information services, as well as specific requirements, needs and priorities of each stakeholder will be collected. Based on these results an innovative concept will be developed. The focus of the concept lies on the reduction of the operating costs for the managing organizations and the provision of new and innovative service products for the end users. In addition, opportunities and general conditions for a subsequent implementation project will be established.

Expected Main Benefits:

  • Preventing emergency situations, increasing safety in ski resort
  • Weather prediction and monitoring of snow conditions
  • Supporting the development and management of the ski area
  • Supporting the organization of sport events
  • Increasing the entertainment value and safety of skiers on slopes


Project Partners
  • TeleConsult Austria GmbH, Graz, Austria (Lead)
  • Berner & Mattner Systemtechnik GmbH, Munich, Germany
  • BRIMATECH Services GmbH, Vienna, Austria
  • Joanneum Research, Graz, Austria
  • GEOSAT SA, Sion, Switzerland

Acknowledgement: SafeSki Feasibility Study was carried out under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency. The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.

  • ESA (European Space Agency) within IAP (Integrated Applications Promotion)
  • Successfully completed in 2015