Dual frequency software-based GNSS receiver
Development of a dual frequency software-based GNSS receiver
Brief Description
In the project “A dual frequency software-based GNSS receiver (SoftGNSS)” a software-based dual frequency GPS receiver is investigated and will be developed, with the opportunity for future extension to other GNSS, especially the European system Galileo. The main goal of a software-based receiver is to implement the signal processing as far as possible in software, thus the required hardware can be reduced to a minimum. This decreases the costs for future mass market products, and increases the flexibility of the system. The aim of this project is to develop the necessary algorithms – both digital signal processing and the PVT computation, which are needed for a two-frequency data evaluation – so that a statement can be made about the performance of the algorithms.
Project Partners
- TeleConsult Austria GmbH (Lead)
- Institute for Navigation and Satellite Geodesy, Graz University of Technology
- Institute for Signal Processing and Speech Comm., Graz University of Technology
- Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
- Successfully completed in 2010