Ukraine Replication, Awareness and Innovation based on EGNSS
The goal of the UKRAINE project, are the preparation of the Ukrainian aviation market to the extension of EGNOS, the support to the uptake of regulated EGNSS applications through the elaboration of a legislative roadmap, the generation of innovative solutions for multimodal logistics and dangerous goods, and the creation of business matchmaking for Ukrainian and EU companies.
Brief Description
The objective of the UKRAINE project, in line with GALILEO-3-2014 Call, are to foster application development through international cooperation and to create a broad acceptance of EGNSS in Ukraine, creating at the same time opportunities, both for knowledge building and at commercial level.
The contribution of the UKRAINE project with respect to the aforementioned objectives relates to the achievement of the following impacts:
- Preparation of the Ukrainian aviation market to the extension of EGNOS.
- Support to the uptake of regulated EGNSS applications through the elaboration of a legislative roadmap.
- Generation of innovative solutions for multimodal logistics and dangerous goods.
- Creation of business matchmaking opportunities for Ukrainian and EU companies.
These impacts will be achieved by a set of coordinated actions:
- Performing a study on integrating the Ukrainian legal framework to key European directives and regulations on EGNSS transport.
- Working on aviation as the starting point for the extension of EGNOS to Ukraine, by
- preparing the ground for LPV procedures,
- working on GNSS signal monitoring, and
- setting the required legal framework.
- Innovating in the field of EGNSS tracking and tracing of Dangerous Goods and performing a pilot on multimodal freight transport.
- Creating business matchmaking opportunities between EU and Ukrainian companies and engaging GNSS stakeholders through a contest on a multiconstellation receiver
- Disseminating results through pilots, demonstrators and an extensive communication campaign
The maximum possible involvement of Ukrainian stakeholders will be ensured by
- the direct involvement of the State Space Agency of Ukraine, the National Aviation University and the Technical Polytechnic of Kiev (KPI),
- the organization of events, matchmaking opportunities and contests targeting Ukrainian entities, and
- the vision to release products on the Ukrainian market
Project Partners
- Valdani Vicari & Associati SRL (project lead)
- National Aviation University Kiew
- TeleConsult Austria GmbH
- Advies de With
- Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
- State Space Agancy of Ukraine
- VVA Europe Limited
- Pildo Consulting SL
- Ovinto
- European GNSS Agency
- Successfully completed in 2016
Further Information
UKRAINE project website